Telling a story visually is much more complicated than writing words on a screen. I learned this through trial and error, always regretting I never took broadcast journalism classes in college. Luckily, my partner is a delightfully talented photojournalist who was kind enough to show me the ropes of shooting and editing. Below are some stories I have told from behind the camera.
Honors Research Seminar at Higgins Lake
Geography Professor Randy Schaetzl leads an Honors Research Seminar exploring former glacial deltas and spits in Central Lower Michigan. As part of the seminar, which spans the fall and spring semesters, students from a variety of majors traveled to Higgins Lake to conduct hands-on soil research.
Craig Pearson, MSU Marshall Scholar
Craig Pearson, an Honors College senior majoring in neuroscience, biochemistry and molecular biology in the College of Natural Science and English in the College of Arts and Letters, has been awarded the Marshall Scholarship, making him the 18th scholar in the history of Michigan State University. Here he discusses what it's like to apply for a prestigious scholarship. Pearson is also the recipient of the Goldwater Scholarship in 2012.
Honors College Profile: Chris Ryan
Chris Ryan is an Honors College sophomore, majoring in marketing. Hear from Chris about how he found his community at Michigan State, and how showbiz brings out his creative side.
Honors College Profile: Anna Perrin
Honors College member Anna Perrin is a senior majoring in mathematics and Spanish. Hear from Anna about what it's like to be a 5th generation Spartan.
Spartan Debate Institute Student Testimonials
The Michigan State University Debate program is proud to host the annual Spartan Debate Institute every summer.
Honors Research Seminar (HRS) Student Experiences
Honors Research Seminar (HRS) are classes designed particularly for first- and second-year Honors College students as an opportunity to engage in research in close association with MSU faculty members. The seminars are listed as UGS 200H in the Schedule of Courses.
National/International Fellowships & Scholarships (NIFS) Office
Featuring Dr. Ashley Green, Dr. Kristin Janka, Professor Robert LaDuca, Professor Matt Zierler and some of the 2015 fellowship and scholarship finalists and winners. The National/International Fellowships & Scholarships (NIFS) Office assists students with applying for competitive awards, including the Rhodes, Marshall, Goldwater, and Truman scholarships. In this video, NIFS staff and students who have worked with the office discuss some of the advantages to pursuing a national or international award.
CUBA: A Michigan State University Freshman Seminar Abroad/Honors Research Seminar
First-year Michigan State University Honors College and Academic Scholars Program students traveled to Cuba during the 2015-16 winter break to study urban sustainability. Each student chooses their research project to fit their interests. Then they presented their research at the University Undergraduate Research & Arts Forum (UURAF) in the spring.
Honors College International Engagement Profile: Brian Batayeh
Brian Batayeh graduated in May from the Honors College and Lyman Briggs College with a degree in biomedical laboratory science. Before graduation, Brian interned for nine weeks in South Africa, working daily with youth on projects impacting their community.
Honors College International Engagement Profile: Megan Cochrane
Megan Cochrane is an Honors College senior double majoring in theatre and journalism. Over the summer, she participated in the College of Arts & Letters' Theatre in London study abroad program.
HC at 60: Student Jadel Hughes Davis
As the Honors College celebrates its 60th year, we are featuring stories about students like Jadel Hughes Davis ('17). Jadel Hughes Davis is an Honors College student majoring in chemical engineering. Her love for biology and fashion have her eyeing a career in the personal care industry, perhaps creating new lotions or perfumes. As a female and student of color working in a STEM field, Jadel Hughes Davis also created a website for people to share their experiences and connect with resources. In this video, she also shares some of her undergraduate research experiences.
HC at 60: Alum Barb Stone Reetz
As the Honors College celebrates its 60th year, we are featuring stories about alumni like Barb Stone Reetz ('72). Barb Stone Reetz exemplifies how a person's own talent and motivation, coupled with course flexibility and academic rigor during college, can prepare a student for a career full of unknowns. She has been an active alum for the Honors College, including serving on the Honors College Alumni Board for eight years (as president for the last two), and then leading the college's 60th anniversary celebration effort. Her family is completely green: Barb's husband and two children (one in the HC) are also MSU alumni.
HC IMPACT, the Honors College's annual service week, is open to 40 incoming HC members who will be introduced to a variety of different focus areas related to social inequity and inequality (such as, but not limited to, poverty, health, education, and environment) and do service with various community organizations in the Greater Lansing area. Each day will conclude with engaging reflective discussions to connect the day's materials and participation in social activities further introducing you to the MSU and East Lansing community.
Several Honors College students organized MSU's second-ever TEDxMSU event, held at the Wharton Center on March 4, 2015. This is a bird's-eye view of the event.